This is pretty early in the morning, and im not very tired, loaded up on energy drink. Havin loads of fun, feeling very good. Suprising right? Well dont be, IT HAPPENS!!!!! Made a new friend. Shes really cool!!!!!!! IM NOT HIGH!!!1
Very sad tho. Havent seen laurence in AGGGEEESS!!!!! GRRRR ¬¬ hate it.
Two friends got together. Proceeded to break up two days later. One posted on facebook she misses the other. Hmmm....Strange....... Watching the rocky horror pictuer show....luving it. Another film i love!!! *proceeds to dance time warp* Best ever dance in the history ofrocky horror. But a goood song for spontanious dance is...Sugar hill gang 'jump on it'. Now imagen four of us in a library dancing right in the way!!! Very funny!!! It is suprisingly good exersize!!! We have a whole playlist to dance 2!!!!
Now...*deep breath* Im better now....
Hmmmm......Was hangin out with mates.....something happned and a group of people had the police talk to them...... Funnie 2 watch!!!!
I hope we arnt keeping any1 awake in the neighbour hood....... ooopsiee if are......... but nxt door neighbour, deaf and the other not sure.
Im just realising that this is my longest blog post.....strange.....why if it when im hyper, i write plenty, and when i want to write more, i get writers block.
Ive also just realised im typing really fast. I dont usually. So.......Now what?.............................................................................................................................
Its funny though....this one reads it.....................................................................
Well, if you are reading this....i wonder y?
Is it because im strange?
Is it because I like Sugar hill gang and Black Veil Brides at the same time?!??!?!
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